The Irish Question 

Not surprisingly, given the imminent likelihood of big cuts to UK Astronomy funding as a result of our withdrawal from the European Union, quite a lot of the conversation at this evening’s RAS Club dinner revolved around ways of keeping EU citizenship in the post-BrExit era.

Through a bit of independent investigation I discovered a few weeks ago that, at least in principle, I qualify for Irish citizenship. This is because one of my grandparents (my grandfather on my mother’s side) was born in Northern Ireland. That is sufficient for me to claim Irish nationality, if I can prove it.

The problem is that the grandfather concerned died quite a long  time ago, when I was a kid. In fact, all my grandparents are deceased. To make matters worse I don’t know exactly when he was born or where or when he married my grandmother. This is a problem because I need to produce both his birth certificate and their marriage certificate, along with my mother’s birth certificate (and mine) to establish my case.

It is almost certain my grandfather was born before Ireland was partitioned in 1921, so his birth records may not even be in Northern Ireland but could be held in Dublin.

It looks like I have some interesting research to be getting on with!

5 Responses to “The Irish Question ”

  1. I am of Ulster Scots lineage, and has provided quite a few documents, including marriage certificates etc, it would be well worth joining in your case.

  2. A visit to Salt Lake City may help.

  3. Bryn Jones Says:

    I’d know exactly what to do if the places were in Wales or England: I’ve used those methods for research into my mother’s family history and into the history of science.

  4. I have found that is better than for Irish records. For either you will need a subscription.

    My great-great grandfather was born in Dublin in 1837, sadly thats too many generations back to qualify me for citizenship.

  5. Miss Lemon Says:

    Of course, Miss Lemon has a subscription to Ancestry UK … and is also eligible for an Irish passport on her mother’s side.

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