Particle Physics Masterclass at Maynooth

You may remember that we ran a very successful virtual Astrophysics & Cosmology Masterclass at Maynooth University last November. Now it’s time to announce the forthcoming International Masterclass on Particle Physics. This will take place on campus at Maynooth during the half-term break:


You can find more information, including instructions on how to book a place, here. The first such Masterclass at Maynooth took place in March 2012, so this year we will be celebrating the 10th anniversary.

These Masterclasses give secondary school students the opportunity to discover the world of quarks and leptons for themselves, by performing measurements on real data from CERN, meeting active particle physics researchers and linking up with like-minded students from other countries.  We will join thousands of other secondary school students at more than 100 universities and laboratories around Europe and worldwide in a programme stretching over four weeks.

Physics at the most fundamental level – the smallest and most basic building blocks of matter – is an exotic world.  But a few introductory talks and working with data from CERN will give the students insight into the fundamental particles of matter and the forces between them, as well as what went on during the Big Bang.

On Sunday afternoon, the students are introduced to particle physics, experiments and detectors in lectures given by active particle physics researchers.  On Monday, after a virtual visit to the ALICE detector at CERN, they work on their own with data from ALICE Afterwards they participate in a video conference with students from other countries and moderators at CERN, where they discuss and compare their results.

For more information on the Particle Physics Masterclasses, see the International Masterclasses web site.

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