Cosmology Talks: DESI detects BAOs!

It’s been too long since I last posted one of the cosmology talks curated on YouTube by Sean Hotchkiss so I will endeavour to put that right by posting one today.

In this video, Jeongin Moon, David Valcin and Christoph Saulder talk about the first cosmologically relevant results from DESI (the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument), including the first detection of the BAOs (Baryon Acoustic Oscillations) therefrom. It’s pretty impressive for a first detection with only two months worth of data, so the final result with the full data set should be spectacular!

You can of course read the paper related to these results (by Moon et al.) on the arXiv here.

One Response to “Cosmology Talks: DESI detects BAOs!”

  1. The origin of B Acoustic oscillations should be based on a different Dark Matter Black Hole splitting Big Bang making plasma at the Penrose trapped space Horizon (forming Filaments and Galaxy Tubes however, looking as bubbles.

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