From Valencia

Torres de Serranos, Valencia

Here I am, on the train from Valencia back to Barcelona. I’ve been to Valencia many times but the last time was so long ago that I don’t remember when it was exactly. I only had time for a short walk about this morning before getting a lift to the University campus, which is a bit out of town.  I gave my talk as planned, had a nice lunch, and was personally driven back to the railway station, and am now on my way back to Barcelona.

I’ll probably doze off on the way, so I’ll just take this opportunity to thank Vicent  Martínez for inviting me (including last night’s dinner) and everyone for their hospitality and nice questions after my talk!

Update: I got back to Barcelona about 15 minutes late, which wasn’t a big deal, although it’s a notably slower route than the Madrid-Barcelona line I travelled on a couple of months ago.

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