ITP 2022

Just a quick note to say I’ve spent today not only out of the office but out of Maynooth at the first conference I’ve attended since before the pandemic started. The Irish Theoretical Physics Meeting (ITP22) is taking place from today (Wednesday 25th) to Friday 27th at the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies. I’ll be commuting from Maynooth for the rest of this week. There is quite a big contingent from the Department of Theoretical Physics at Maynooth in fact.

My talk isn’t until tomorrow morning but I chaired one of the sessions this afternoon. It’s an interesting meeting with an eclectic mixture of talks and lots of time for the sort of face-to-face discussion we’ve all missed for so long. If that weren’t enough it’s also a nice change from marking examinations…!

5 Responses to “ITP 2022”

  1. […] A blog about the Universe, and all that surrounds it « ITP 2022 […]

  2. […] evening, after a very pleasant wine reception at the end of ITP2022, I walked to the National Concert Hall in Dublin for my second concert in two days. Before the […]

  3. […] last week’s Irish Theoretical Physics meeting I had the opportunity to have lunch with particle physicist Professor John Ellis (of […]

  4. […] anniversary reminds me that there was a competition running at ITP2022 last year that involved holding out a copy of the book  in one hand at arm’s length for […]

  5. […] Physics (ITP) Meeting which takes place in a different location in Ireland each yea. Last year it was at DIAS in Dublin; this year it’s Maynooth’s […]

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