Maynooth’s Virtual Open Day

A deserted St Joseph’s Square, resplendent in the spring sunshine.

Tomorrow is going to be interesting! Saturday 25th April was scheduled to be an Open Day at Maynooth University for undergraduate admissions which would normally have led to thousands of students visiting the Campus. Obviously current restrictions make that impossible but rather than cancel it the University has decided to proceed with a virtual Open Day.

Like other Heads, I put together a presentation and introductory video about the courses we offer, our research and other things about the Department. Our virtual visitors will be able to watch these videos as well as take virtual campus tours and talk to student ambassadors. Along with other Heads of Department I’ll also be online tomorrow from 10.30am to 3pm to answer questions from prospective students.

We have no idea how any of this will work which is why it will be so interesting. What we do know is that the Virtual Open Day has attracted interest in the national (eg here) and local (eg here) media in Ireland. Obviously I’m hoping it will go well, although it is pity our virtual visitors won’t be able to stroll around the lovely campus and see our teaching and research facilities.

Anyway, in the event of any potential students of Mathematical or Theoretical Physics reading this, do register and say hello (virtually) tomorrow!

Update: I’m told about 5,500 people attended the online event which is more than we would usually get.

One Response to “Maynooth’s Virtual Open Day”

  1. I do recall ‘going’ to a virtual open day sometime in 2018/2019 –when my youngest son was dabbling with the idea of a maths degree. It was either Exeter or Aberdeen….

    (Son reverted to the love of his heart, Engineering)

    Anyway, hope it goes well!

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