Archive for Barcelona Airport

Hasta la vista, Barcelona!

Posted in Barcelona, Biographical with tags , , , , on December 22, 2023 by telescoper

I’m reliably informed that Spanish people don’t really say “hasta la vista” very often, but it seemed an appropriate title. I’m writing this post in the Departure Lounge at Barcelona Airport, having got here in very good time for my flight. Last time I checked in here the check-in staff were so slow that it took two hours to drop my bag at the desk and I only just made it to the gate in time for my flight. This time I arrived three hours ahead of time and it only took about 15 minutes to get processed so now I’ve got ages until I leave.

Yesterday, my last day in the office, we had a “Christmas Toast” in the foyer of the Physics Faculty building which consisted of a couple of inaudible speeches, followed by drinks and snacks in the company of a Grubb Telescope, an Atwood Machine, and many physicists.

This morning I said goodbye the flat I’ve been in for most of the past three months. I’ll be back in Barcelona in 2024, of course, but I’ll be in a different apartment when I return. Although my time in Barcelona is not over, I’d like to thank my hosts – especially Licia and Raul – for what has been a very enjoyable stay so far.

I’ll be back!

P.S. The last arXiv mailing before Christmas brought news of the accepted version of a paper for the Open Journal of Astrophysics, so I’ve just made the overlay and published the paper. That means that we finish 2023 with a half-century of articles in Volume 6. Roll on, Volume 7 (2024)!

UPDATE: I arrived safely in not-Barcelona and am looking forward to spend the next couple of weeks very lazily.