Archive for arXiv:2312.03353v2

Three New Publications at the Open Journal of Astrophysics

Posted in OJAp Papers, Open Access, The Universe and Stuff with tags , , , , , , , , on May 25, 2024 by telescoper

After a very busy and unusual week, it’s time to get back to normal with the usual  Saturday roundup of business at the  Open Journal of Astrophysics. If you want to know how many papers we have published so far this year (Vol. 7), the answer is 42. The total published by OJAp is now 157. We’re still on track to publish around 100 papers this year, possibly more, compared to last year’s 50.

All the members of this week’s trio are in the folder marked Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics, and indeed all three relate in one way or another to the topic of weak gravitational lensing.  All three were published on Wednesday 22nd May 2024.

First one up is “Joint constraints from cosmic shear, galaxy-galaxy lensing and galaxy clustering: internal tension as an indicator of intrinsic alignment modelling error” which is by Simon Samuroff (Northeastern U., USA), Andresa Campos (Carnegie Mellon U., USA), Anna Porredon (Bochum, Germany) and Jonathan Blazek (Edinburgh, UK).   A combined statistical approach to the identification of errors arising in cosmic shear analysis due to intrinsic alignments.

Here is a screen grab of the overlay, which includes the abstract:

You can read the paper directly on arXiv here.

The second paper to present is “A unified linear intrinsic alignment model for elliptical and disc galaxies and the resulting ellipticity spectra” by Basundhara Ghosh (Bangalore, India), with Kai Nussbaumer, Eileen Sophie Giesel & Björn Malte Schäfer (Heidelberg, Germany). It presents a discussion of the physical origin of intrinsic alignments of both elliptical and disk galaxies and the implications for cosmological studies

The overlay looks like this:


You can read this paper directly on the arXiv here.

The last paper of this batch is entitled “Neural style transfer of weak lensing mass maps”  and proposes a generative model for the mass-production of weak-lensing maps. The authors are Masato Shirasaki and Shiro Ikeda (both of the University of Tokyo, Japan)

Here is a screengrab of the overlay:


To read the accepted version of this on the arXiv please go here.
That’s all for now. I will do another update next week.