Archive for August 11 1999

My Fellow Pagans …

Posted in The Universe and Stuff with tags , , on January 5, 2011 by telescoper

I was reminded yesterday of the following clipping, which I found in The Times, in 1999, just before the total eclipse that was visible from parts of the United Kingdom in that year. It was a feature about the concerns raised by certain residents of Cornwall about the possible effects of the sudden influx of visitors on the local community. Here is a scanĀ  of a big chunk of the story, which you probably can’t read…

.and here is a blow-up of the section shown in the red box, which places cosmologists in rather strange company:

This makes it clear what journalists on this rag think about cosmology! In protest, I wrote a letter to the The Times saying that, as a cosmologist, I thought this piece was very insulting … to Druids.

They didn’t publish it.
